Friday, 3 September 2010

Congratulations to Me

It's official: I am a student!  Again.!  There are still a few loose ends to tie up (like paying tuition and signing up for electives) but today I completed the enrollment process and am now ready to start classes to become a massage therapist and holistic/energy healer. 

I am, for the most part, very excited.  Part of me is still a little freaked out by the prospect of having to use my brain after 12 years of dormancy (is that even a word?!) and the fact that I will have to learn science-type stuff (physiology, anatomy) but mostly, as I said, I am thrilled.

And I am very, very proud of myself.  This is proof that although the last year has been very difficult, I have grown and I am ready to set out and, well, grow some more.  I wouldn't have had the confidence to do this a few years ago, even if I had known what I wanted to do.  It's been a rocky road, but it seems to have led me in the right direction.

I also know that this is just a step, but it's a pretty big one.  There will be other steps - taken one at a time - and the road may continue to be rocky as I learn who I am, who I want to be and how I fit into the world around me, but for now I am enjoying this moment and all the happiness it has brought with it. 

So, raise a glass, my friends: it's time to celebrate!

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