Saturday, 5 June 2010

Change is in the Air

This morning when I awoke I still had this sentence floating around in my head.  Now, hours later, I think I know why: it's because I am excited about the change.  I desperately need it and I didn't know quite how much until now.

I have always been a person who needs change and I have never been content to do the same thing for very long.  In the 6-year span of highschool and university, I held at least 6 different part-time jobs.  Most of them were in retail, which I enjoyed because there were always different people coming in the store and there was always a bit of unpredictability to the day.  When I started teaching ESL, there was still that same sense of  surprise - you could plan a lesson, but you never really knew what problems or questions would arise.  I also had a different group of students every 6 weeks so while the job itself didn't change, the lessons and the students did.

When I stopped working to become a full-time Mom, my life was such that we moved, on average, every 3 years.  The children grew and their needs changed and whenever things started feeling too stagnant, it would be time to move to a new house, new city, or new country.

What I've realized is that while moving changed my surroundings on a semi-regular basis, I was becoming stagnant.  Everything around me was changing but I wasn't.

Over the past few months, there has been a lot of thinking and introspection going on, which has led me to begin this exploration of a new self and a new life.  This time the changes that are coming are all about me.  They are internal changes, not external, and they are enormous in their worth. 

1 comment:

  1. I have something for you over at my place.
