Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy!

It's been a while since I last posted and I fear my posts will be even less regular in the upcoming months.  I have lots to do and, unfortunately, writing is no long at the top of my priority list.  I miss it, but it will have to wait for a while until I get settled again on the other side of the move.

Everything went well with the house purchase & we are now just waiting to be able to close at the end of the month.  Hopefully that will happen on the 31st, as expected, and not be delayed (the house was part of an estate settlement & in probate, so there's a chance it could be held up a bit longer, but hopefully not more than a few days).

Right now we are busy sorting & packing.  Well, mostly sorting & purging.  I'm actually really enjoying getting rid of stuff!  It's amazing how much useless shit we've accumulated.  Also, because we've never moved ourselves before (the company always paid) we were never really cognizant of what exactly we moved.  We tried to sort out most of the junk but we seem to have moved a lot of stuff that we shouldn't have.  We're being much more careful this time around and getting rid of so much stuff that we really shouldn't even still have in the first place.  There will be a moving sale in a couple of weeks and whatever doesn't sell will go to charity.  Once we get through the purging, we can move on to the packing.  It's a big job, but I'm beginning to be able to see it in smaller steps, which is helping me to not get overwhelmed by it all.

Last weekend we fit in a quick getaway to visit my sister & help her celebrate her 20th wedding anniversary.  She & my brother-in-law renewed their vows in the yard in front of a small selection of family & close friends.  It was a really lovely day and nice to see the two of them happy.  Unfortunately, my Dad couldn't be there as his health is still not great, so we weren't able to see him.  We'll probably go visit in a couple of weeks.  We have to leave the country anyways, as per immigration regulations, so we might as well do something useful while we're at it.

I'm also still working every now and then.  I have a few stray clients that I've been seeing but I haven't been looking for any more so it's working out well.  I've also been looking for work in the town we're moving to and have put in a couple of applications but so far with no success.  I'm not too discouraged as I know the right job will appear when I'm ready for it.

So, all in all, I'm doing pretty good and feeling quite optimistic.  I'm busy and being productive and getting much accomplished which is all good for me.

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