Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Don't Shoot the Messenger!

It's not the messenger's fault, right?  Or is it?  There are myriad ways of delivering the same message and, yes, sometimes I may well want to shoot the messenger.  I prefer my messengers to have a softer touch, especially if the message is not necessarily a positive one.  I do not like messages conveyed with an air of smug superiority and condescension.  Message received loud and clear but now I have issue with the messenger and have no interest in acting upon the message given.  However, if the message were delivered with a sense of  kindness and understanding I would not only receive the message but I would be more likely to think upon it and try to act upon it.  Perhaps for some thick-skinned individuals the messenger plays a simple, trivial, single-faceted role.  Those are gifted people who can filter out the words and focus on the message.  But some of us are more sensitive to word choice, mannerisms and tone of voice.  For those people, the messenger plays a vital role in not only delivering the message but also in how the message is received and understood.  I, obviously, fall into the second category.  So next time you'd like to tell me something, please say it gently.  Consider my (wildly vascillating) feelings.  And make sure I don't have a gun.

1 comment:

  1. The messenger knows one thing for sure : he is delighted that he did not get shot. Thank you. Much appreciated !
