Tuesday, 24 August 2010

First Steps

I've been thinking a lot about my future recently, which is something I haven't done in a long time.  It has become apparent that I am actually in charge of my own future and that it's up to me to make it what I want it to be.  I'm beginning to get a pretty good idea of what I want and now I need to work towards making it happen.

While I have many plans, today I chose to tackle the career path, since that really seems of foremost importance.  I also think that this will probably take a while, so best to get started on it as soon as I can.

Last Fall, I went to a very informative and interesting fair called "Holisticpalooza" and had a wonderful day learning all sorts of fabulous things like yoga, feng shui, meditative chanting, etc.  At the time, although I found the whole thing vastly enjoyable, I was not at a point where I could really appreciate the value of what I had stumbled upon.  Now I understand. 

The past few months have brought me to the conclusion that I need to embark upon a career in holistic healing and by following my instincts and listening to those who know me best, today I ended up back at the the website for the school that offered the Holisticpalooza.  It seems they offer classes in just about everything I want to do.  So I contacted them and have an appointment this week to go have a tour and talk to their admissions director.  I am simultaneously excited and frightened by this but I believe excitement will overpower the fear.  As it says on the school's website: “You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” - Martin Luther King

And, after all, this is just the first step.  It may be a long journey, but I'll never get there if I don't start on the path.  I may also need some patience, as I won't get there overnight.  But I will get to where I want to be.

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