Tuesday, 3 May 2011


Let's talk about something positive for a while, shall we?  I'm sure you've noticed I have dramatic mood swings and there's a lot in my life at the moment that pulls me down -- very, far down, sometimes -- but there are also a few things in my life that keep me going and are thoroughly positive influences on myself and my mood.  Today I'm going to focus on just one of those: exercise.

Since about February, I've been going to the gym regularly.  I have always tried to stay in shape/exercise/be healthy but due to all the other stuff going on, I had let my gym membership lapse and was noticing the effects on both my body and my self-esteem.  So, I joined the gym again and even went so far as to hire a personal trainer.  I eased myself back into a routine of working out, which included seeing my trainer once a week.  After a couple of months, we bumped it up a notch and I now see my trainer twice a week and hit the gym another couple of days on my own.

Not only do I really, honestly love working out, but I am finally starting to see results!  It's so rewarding when you do something you enjoy and have the added bonus of doing something good for yourself at the same time.  There's also a great sense of accomplishment when I'm able to add more weight to the stack or realize I can do things I never thought I could (push-ups!).

So, here's to exercise, the mood-boosting seratonin it releases and the self-esteem-boosting body I'm building! (And another cheer to my trainer, who is helping me get there).

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