Thursday, 26 May 2011

Too Much to Do

A few months ago, I wrote about wanting to do it all.  I have a multitude of things going on and I love all of it.  My parents recently came to visit and my mother marvelled at how I can possibly do as much as I do.  It's been rather a slow realization but I've finally concluded that I actually really am trying to do too much.  I really can't have it all.  And stay sane.

As my workload at school has increased (with major exams looming in the not-too-distant future) and as the stress and mess of my home life has multiplied logarithmically, I have decided that I need to cut back on my extra-curricular activities.  Something meant to be fun should not cause me stress. Some of this has been naturally occurring due to a grand lack of free time (you may have noticed I haven't posted here in a while...) but I've also decided that in order to refocus more my energy on the things that are really important, a few other things will have to go on the back burner.  At least for the time being.

In addition to the everyday duties of being the family matriarch, this is how I've arranged my priorities:
  1. School (homework and studying) is being bumped up into top position.  It was already there, but I do really need to put in more time and effort than I have been.
  2. Life.  After living in the US for nearly 7 years, I finally got myself a SSN this week (better late than never, right?).  This is the first step in becoming an actual person in this country.  With the golden ticket in hand, I can now go ahead and do other things to establish myself here in proper fashion (renew my driver's license, get a work permit, etc.).  
  3. The Gym.  Not only do I love going, I also love my trainer and I love the results.  I also love that working out is such a great antidote to depression (along with the St. John's Wort supplements I've been taking -- I'm so much more stable!).
  4. Guitar Lessons.  Since I'm taking them together with my daughter - on the rare occasion I'm not in school on a Saturday - and since practicing requires less than a half hour a day, I'm finding it easier to squeeze in.
  5. Dance.  While I had been trying to make this a top priority and work towards a competition, I've realized that it was just causing me way too much anxiety.  This is something that, from now on, will have to remain something that I do for fun whenever I have the time to do it.  No need to stress about regular lessons or competitions -- I'll get to lessons when I can and perform when I can work it into my schedule.
  6. Writing.  Whenever I have a  few free minutes. something to say and the wherewithall to say it coherently, I shall continue to write.  It likely won't be often, but I hope to find some way to put my thoughts down somewhere.
So, really, that doesn't look too bad.  And with the kids getting out of school for the summer in a few weeks and some of their regular lessons/activities ending for the season, my matriarchal duties will decrease a great deal as well.  If all goes as planned, I'll be able to combine my duties in an enjoyable manner: the kids can swim at the beach while I find a nice shady spot to study.


  1. Keeping all the balls in the air is always a challenge. When one activity ends, I somehow manage to fill the hole it leaves in my schedule with two other things, so I know just what you're talking about! Good idea to lay out your priorities like this, sure puts things in perspective.

    PS - congrats on the SSN!

    PPS (and yeah, I know that's not real!) - I love Stigmata by Ministry, too. :)

  2. it is good to set those priorities...waht is important in life...well is most important...make sure you take time for yourself, which you have ...rock on
