Friday, 24 June 2011

Clear as Mud

Yesterday I visited a magic fountain, hoping to find answers. I threw in my penny and peered into the water, waiting for the ripples to subside so that I could see my future reflected clearly at me. Instead, my penny stirred up the sediment on the floor of the fountain and I found myself looking into a murky pool. My reflection was still there, but not in the manner I expected to see. I still got my answers, but not those I had thought I might find. In some respects, what I saw was indeed the opposite of what I expected.

Now my mind is swirling, much like the sediment stirred up by my penny. I am trying to figure out how my expectations could have been so wrong, and I must come to terms with the fact that things may not be as they seem. I must be patient and wait for the debris to settle, so that I might see clearly. Perhaps by the time that happens, I will be willing to accept what I see and embrace my future as it is meant to be, rather than how I imagined it might be.

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