Recently, I got a good look at how I was "nurtured" growing up. My children and I spent 10 days visiting my family over Christmas and New Year's and spent a week with my parents, which ended up being quite a challenge. This, in itself, surprised me. It wasn't too long ago that we could happily stay with my parents for weeks at a time. Alas, I believe age is catching up with them, especially my mother, making it more difficult for her to deal with anything that strays from the ordinary. Now, it seems any sort of change or perceived difference in her world causes her a great deal of stress and anxiety -- and she freaks out. My father has learned over time that the best thing to do in said situations is to ignore her and wait for her mood to pass. Obviously, this has been going on to some degree my entire life, but it's only now that it's happening more frequently and I am able to look at it from a different perspective that I have begun to realize the implications this has had on me.
After two and a half years in therapy, I'm getting pretty good at taking a step back and looking at situations around me and figuring out how they affect(ed) me.
What I observed during this last visit with my parents is this:
- my mother tends to completely over-react to certain situations. She freaks out over nothing (imho) and then makes sure that her stress and anxiety is felt by everyone in every nook and cranny in the house.
- my father ignores it completely. He's learned over the years that trying to calm her down or saying anything to her generally makes the situation worse. So he hunkers down and waits for the storm to pass.
- my mother demonstrated that emotions are negative and unproductive. I rarely saw what I perceived to be good grounds for getting emotional and in the end, all she ended up achieving was annoying everyone around her.
- my father, in turn, demonstrated that emotional outbursts are best left alone. If my mother ever hoped to gain attention or even garner a reaction from him, it never came in a way that I witnessed.
Are you sure we're not somehow related? Because your parents and my parents sound eerily similar...