Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Stupid Cancer, Part 8

Firstly, let me say that despite the title of this post being "Stupid Cancer", for once, I have good news in the cancer department.  However, since most of my previous cancer-related posts have borne the same title, I thought I'd stick with it, in case anyone is following...

So, good news!  Finally!!  And on both fronts!!! 

My father was told by his oncologist last week that he is responding so well to the chemo that they will very likely skip the radiation portion of his treatment.  That will be confirmed today by the radiologist but hopefully he'll agree.  The radiation was to last 5 weeks, so skipping that presumably means 5 weeks less treatment time and 5 weeks closer to getting the colostomy reversal surgery & getting rid of the damned colostomy bag!  Not only is the bag annoying and inconvenient but there is now redness, burning and irritation at the attachment site.  Hopefully they'll be able to figure out why and get that fixed soon, but getting it removed altogether will be that much more welcome.

My sister also met with her oncologist last week and was told that her chemo had done a fabulous job of getting rid of almost all the cancer spots they'd been watching.  There are still a couple that have not disappeared completely (we're not sure what the plan is for those), and, of course, the new ones that are currently being treated with radiation but the fact that so much of the other cancer is gone is wonderful news!

In other, wonderful, news - I had more proof last night that I really am moving toward a better, healthier emotional state and, perhaps, even a higher state of self-worth and self-confidence.  Here's what happened: I entered into a debate.  For real!  I was talking to my oldest, dearest friend on the phone and somehow the chit-chat about how the kids don't have any homework led into a discussion about whether teachers get paid enough for what they do.  My friend & I were, obviously, of differing opinions and when he stated his, I countered with mine.  We went back and forth for a while and didn't get anywhere and soon decided we shouldn't spend what little time we had left (on a long-distance call) discussing teacher salaries.  But, the fact remains that I debated.  One could possibly say I argued even (mild as it was).  Even at the time, part of my brain was freaking out & doing a little happy dance, saying, "Hey, are you noticing what you're doing here?!"  It helps that I was talking to someone with whom I feel very safe, but even that wouldn't have been enough in the past to get me to say anything.  It was also easier because the topic was not one that was overly personal to either of us.  But it was a start, and a good one at that.  And, yes, I am just a wee bit proud of myself.

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