Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Spirits and Things

A couple of months ago, I took my level I Reiki training.  During the meditation following my attunement the second day, I had a very interesting yet, at the time, rather unnerving encounter with a non-physical (the spirit of one who has passed over).  If you'd like, you can read about it here.  A week or so later, I went to see my crystal therapist and had another encounter with a non-physical during the meditation and in a dream that night (it was the same 'person' in both instances).

I hadn't really given either of these encounters much thought since they happened so you can imagine my surprise when my father-in-law showed up while I was in the middle of giving my husband a reiki treatment the other night.  His presence put me a little on edge because a) he always made me nervous and b) he died almost 7 years ago.   The abridged version of this story is that my father-in-law was there simply to let his son know that he loved him.  I relaxed and continued with the reiki session and my father-in-law left.  However, not one to ever do anything simply or quietly, he decided to start tapping on the ceiling (to let my husband know he was there).  This was terribly distracting for me, so he finally did leave -- tapping the ceiling down the length of the house as he left.

When the session was over, I told my husband what had happened.  He was surprised and intrigued and really quite thrilled with this new-found gift I seem to have.  I'm really not sure what to make of my gift.  At the moment, it's a bit unsettling for me to be seeing dead people, although at least so far, they've all been people I know.  More importantly, I'm really not sure what to do with this gift.  I will have to start looking into it and talking to others with the same gift to see what it all means and what I might be able to do with it.

The day following my father-in-law's visit, my husband told his mother about what had happened.  She is no stranger to psychics, spirits and all things other-worldly so was not at all surprised by what had transpired.  In fact, she went so far as to say that she's always known that I'm "special" this way and that my husband needs to understand that I live in a different world.  I think perhaps this would have been good information to have had a long time ago-- although it likely wouldn't have made sense before now.

Timing aside, I've been giving a lot of thought to what she said and I think she's right about the fact that I live in a different world.  At first, I didn't quite know what she meant but I think I do now: the world I live in is full of energy and light that most people can't see or sense.  I've written before about how I often feel so alone and like I just don't fit in.  I think I've just figured out why... 

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