I've been pretty down for the last week. I've been hiding out in my deep dark cave but I think it's time to come up for air, have a look around and see what needs to be done. Or rather, see what I can do.
This change of attitude has surprised me a bit but is likely the result of an energy work session I had today, which left me feeling a bit happier and a lot more centred. A few words of encouragement and a bit of advice didn't go astray either.
So, I'm trying to look at things from the other side. You see, when I am down, I can get pretty negative and it becomes so very difficult to stop focusing on the negatives and find the positives. I'm still not sure I can do that but I've decided I need to at least start doing something that might effect some positive changes -- or even just any change at all. I know that so many things are out of my control at the moment, but I need to focus on what I can control and do what I can about those things. It might not be much, and it might not do much in the end, but at least I'll know I tried to do something.
This past week I started making a list. I've managed to get through a lot on the list, although I think I add more to it faster than I can cross things off. I have been able to do more than I often did in times where I was in a much better emotional state. I figure it must be working for me so I'll try to keep it up. At the very least, it makes me feel somewhat busy and productive in these days between the end of school and the start of whatever comes next and, right now, that's about as good as it gets.
it does feel good to cross things off that list and i am glad you poked that head up...good plan to focus on the things youcan change...the others are just headaches...and a waste of time to try changing...