Friday, 23 September 2011


It's been three weeks since my last class at school and I've concluded that I have way too much time on my hands.  I went from being overly stressed and very busy to having way too much time on my hands.  The first week after school ended was great: my kids went back to school and I spent the week in much-needed nothingness.  Last week we had gotten pretty good with the whole back-to-school thing so there was less to occupy my mind.  By this week, I'm starting to lose it. 

I have had the unpleasant reminder that too much unstructured time is really not good for me.  I spend far too long ruminating and dwelling on things and end up spending my day wallowing in self-pity.  Luckily, as soon as the kids come home, all is right in my world -- we chat, we laugh, we have things to do.  Granted, there are things I should be doing while they're gone, too -- like cleaning the basement -- but somehow I always seem to lack the motivation to do that.

Yesterday was pretty miserable and unproductive and a very unhealthy day (I worked out but had popcorn, chips, ice cream & peanut butter M&M's -- classic emotional eating binge).  The result is that I've decided I really need to build more structure into my days.  I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to do that, but I'm going to work on it.  I need to get busy or I'm going to go crazy...

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