Sunday, 23 October 2011

A Teardrop a Day...

... may keep the doctor away but it certainly keeps the therapist close at hand.

I wonder if I will ever stop crying.  I cry so much and so often and although I do stop every now and then, I don't think I've managed much more than a week at a time over the past year or so without shedding a tear.  Any number of emotions will trigger it: sadness, anger, fear, frustration, and, similarly, any other negative feeling I happen to be experiencing.  Which, alas, seems to be all the time.

I can think back on times when I would go years without crying.  Then, on the rare occasion when I would cry, the tears were usually provoked by a movie or book or tv commercial.  I cried because of other people's situations and the emotions they were suffering.

But times have changed.  I hope, one day, they will change back again.  I can't go the rest of my life having this much reason to cry, right?  I have to believe it's just a phase (a really long phase) that I'm working through and someday I will come out the other side with a smile on my face and maybe, just maybe, tears of joy...

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