Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Stupid Cancer

(That is all.)


  1. :( I agree about the entire post except the last part. You can't post that and then say "That is all." You ok?

    1. Thanks for asking, Stranger. It depends how you want to qualify "ok"... However it's not me with cancer, but someone close to me. I've just had enough of that stupid disease and -- without trying to make this all about me -- I wonder how much more Life can throw my way and expect me to carry on.

  2. My father-in-law is going in for surgery tomorrow - prostate cancer. And we just found out yesterday that my husband's only uncle has cancer all through his body - liver and lungs, etc...

    So yeah. Stupid cancer. Stupid effing cancer. :(

    1. Sorry to hear it, C. I've been through it so many times in so many ways... Stupid effing cancer is right.
      On the bright side, my dad had prostate surgery a couple of years ago and it went really well (considering his was much larger than they anticipated going in). He's just as active as ever now, though.
