Monday, 21 November 2011

It Never Rains, but it Pours

And in these parts, it's been raining jobs.  I know, it's been a topic of choice here lately, but it's just all so freakin' exciting!  For me, at least -- and I hope at least some of you are just a wee bit excited for me, too.

After lamenting for ages about how varied the difficulties surrounding me and the possibility of my working were, it seems that I have overcome most of them.  Yes, it's true!  I have filed papers for my own business and have secured a place to work out of.  It's kind of a temporary situation, but we'll see how it goes and what will come of it.  The main thing is that I have somewhere to start from -- an actual office with other holistic therapists.  It's fantastic!  (At present, I have no clients, but that will come. One thing at a time.)

I have also been assisting my Reiki teacher as she teaches classes as well as helping her at her home office.  It's not a lucrative job (I trade my time for sessions with her or discounts off classes I take with her) but it is invaluable for the experience I am gaining.  She does what I hope to one day do myself, so helping her out and learning how she does what she does is more valuable for me than a paycheck.  She is not only smart and savvy but also a wonderful person, so the more time I get to spend with her (and her awesome husband), the happier I am.

And - speaking of happy - I found out today that my work permit is in the mail and should arrive within the month.  Which means that if I decide that I would like to make some money before I get my own business off the ground, I could go work for someone else (who is lucky enough to have more clients than they can handle).  Amazing!

But that's not all!  It seems this streak of  prosperity in the job-world is not mine alone.  My husband has also recently been touted as "top candidate" for a job that would not only bring him a promotion but also bring him one step closer to meeting one of his life's goals.  There are many negotiations to come and conditions which will need to be met, but these are interesting times for him and his career as well.

As the saying goes: "it never rains, but it pours".  This is one time when I won't complain about needing an umbrella.

1 comment:

  1. nice...i am excited for all your prosperity...this is all great news....smiles.
