Saturday 17 April 2010

We Are Searchers All

I realized today that there is something else that my best friends and I have in common: we are all introspective, still trying to figure out who we are and what our place is in the world.  None of us quite fit in, one way or another.  We are all intelligent, beautiful people but for some reason we are not ever completely at peace with ourselves or our lot in life.

We are thinkers, and perhaps this is our downfall.  Maybe we spend too much time considering ourselves, contemplating who we are, trying to make ourselves better people.  No, not better people, whole people.  We are always looking for that missing piece, that will somehow make us fit and make us complete.  None of us knows if we will ever find it, but we search.

The quest is our bond.  We understand each other and we help each other explore and investigate.  We support each other through our journeys of self-discovery and although each of us has a slightly different story, we know we are all travelling this road together.

I don't know if any of us will ever find what we are looking for, but perhaps with the strength and support of our friends we will at the very least find some level of contentedness.

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