Monday, 10 May 2010


You may have noticed that I have been absent from blogland for a while.  If you have noticed and have missed me, then I thank you for noticing.  I knew it had been a few days since I had written but didn't realize it had been quite so long.  There are many excuses to be proffered, mostly about me being busy, but when it comes right down to it, it really doesn't matter why I was absent, only that I was.

The fact that I was absent is also a stark reminder for me that I have been falling into old habits, specifically being that of not talking when I am upset.  I started this blog to make me exercise my voice in the hopes that it would be there when I needed it.  Obviously, there is still work that needs to be done.

The past few days have been rather emotional ones for me on many levels.  There have been ups, downs, highs and lows and while I think I handled most of them fairly well, I was not able to organize my thoughts well enough to put any of it in my blog.  Although I was using my real voice, my virtual voice was absent and suffered accordingly.

Bearing all that in mind, I will pledge to myself to do better.  To write even when I am not at my best -- perhaps because I am not at my best.  To exercise my voice in all its capacities, that it might serve me well when I most need it. To stay faithful to myself and, simply, to be present.


  1. I am very glad to see you back in blogging action. Not only your virtual but also your real voice is what I look forward to getting more and more of. Keep it up. You are on the right track. :)

  2. "to be present", that is a very yogic way of thinking. Sometimes hard to do though. You are correct though that if you want to exercise your voice, than you must do so on good and bad days. sometimes the bad days have the best words and insight. We can't always be on all the time...
