Yesterday I came upon the realization that I am utterly and completely dependent upon my husband -- for everything. Not in the personal sense, as I think I have quite an independent nature, but in the practical sense.
My husband and I are from different countries and we live in a third country. This has been the case since the inception of our relationship. The third country (ie. where we live) changes frequently, but the situation itself doesn't change. This lifestyle, by definition, necessitates all manner of beurocracy: passports, visas, work permits, etc and as a result I am inextricably bound to my husband. His job provides the necessary paperwork for us to be able to live here, which means that without him, my papers are invalid. Also, the type of paperwork I receive only allows me to live, but not to work, in aforementioned third country.
Until recently, this has not been much of an issue. I am a stay-at-home Mom by choice so the inability to work has not concerned me overly much. However, as we live in the US, and as I am not the privileged holder of a Social Security Number, I am constantly disadvantaged. I was reminded of this once again yesterday, when I tried to procure a new cell phone for myself, that a SSN is required for pretty much everything in this country. This means that I, myself, am unable do pretty much everything - on my own - in this country.
As a result, I think I will finally need to look into getting myself some real papers of my own. Not just for the cell phone or a bank account or setting up auto-pay for the electricity bill or getting an Old Navy credit card or any of the multitude of things I can't presently do. Not just for the possibility of being able to legally accept some kind of work were it offered to me. But for myself and my independence.
Congratulations on the blog ! This is an excellent development. Dreams do become true after all. It also reminds us of your former au pair mom who always stressed the importance of independence. I suggest you get in touch with the immigration lawyer and explore the opportunities. Good luck with it. :) :)