Tuesday, 27 March 2012

11 Questions

I've been tagged in a meme by my friend, Me.  I've been debating if I should play and have finally decided to answer the questions posed without perpetuating the game.  Maybe you'll learn a little bit more about me and a few things I might not discuss here otherwise...

1. Did you have an imaginary friend when you were a kid?  Details, please!
Nope.  Never had one and it never occurred to me that I should.  I lived on a street full of kids so always had real friends to play with.

2.  Ever seen a ghost?  Met a psychic?  Had a prophetic dream?  Just about everyone, even if you don't really believe, has had some sort of supernatural experience.  What's one of yours?
The house 4 doors up the street from me when I was a kid was haunted.  One of my best friends lived there so we got to experience all sorts of odd things all the time.  Never saw the ghost but it certainly made its presence known.
I'm good friends with a lady who is psychic.
No prophetic dreams but I occasionally converse/communicate with dead people.  I've always been aware of their presence but being able to communicate with them is a new "talent" which I acquired last year when I became attuned to reiki. 

3. What is your biggest addiction?
Depression.  I've discussed this at length here on the blog so won't go into any more details now.  However, if you're looking for an actual substance addiction, then Coke (a-Cola).

4. What do you want to be when you grow up?
When I was young I wanted to be a singer, an actress, a model and a teacher (not necessarily all at the same time).  Later, I wanted to be a speech pathologist.  I ended up teaching English as a Second Language for many years and I will probably teach reiki at some point so I guess the teacher part happened even if not in the traditional sense.  Right now, I want to be a healer/bodyworker and help people feel better, both emotionally and physically, using my gifts in energy work and the skills I've learned in bodywork (massage, etc).

5. What was the last concert you went to?
The English Beat last September.  It was freakin' awesome!  And, lucky me, I'll be going to see them again in a couple of weeks :D

6. What was the last movie you watched?
The Hunger Games on Sunday.  It was great.  The kids loved it, too.  (Of course, the book was better.)

7.  Beatles or Stones?  Why?
Neither.  I have never voluntarily listened to either, nor do I ever intend to.  If I really had to choose one, though, I guess probably the Stones because they rock more.  Also, the early Beatles stuff just annoys the hell out of me so even if their later work makes up for it, they still have that against them.

8. If you could be invisible for twenty-four hours, what would you do?
I have no idea.  Maybe sneak into the movies or a concert for free...  If I didn't have any scruples, I'd say spy on people but I'd feel bad doing that.

9. You're on death row.  What do you request for your last meal?
Japanese food.  A good miso soup and properly made salmon teriyaki.

10. We all have a few regrets in life.  What's the number one thing you regret NOT doing?
I try to live life with as few regrets as possible so this is a bit hard... NOT doing... hmm... I guess I would have to say not sticking up for myself/ letting myself be overpowered/ giving up who I am for the benefit of others.

11. You ran off and joined the circus.  What's your act?
My favourite act is the trapeze but I don't know if I could ever get over my fear of heights/falling to actually be able to perform.  Those acrobat girls who twist themselves up in those long fabric things are awesome, too, but again there's the height factor.  Oh, yes!!  Now I've got it!  I'd be the hula-hoop girl :)

1 comment:

  1. Ok hula girl. You did well to answer C's set of questions, but I have a few more to tickle you with. ;P
