Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Relative Productivity

Yesterday I had a great day.  The weather certainly played a role -- summer weather in March is fabulous -- but there was more to it than that.  Mostly, it's because I was running around all day being busy and productive, which is always better than sitting at home being, or at least feeling, the opposite.

The funny thing is that I really didn't do anything out of the ordinary.  I did nothing yesterday that I haven't done every week for the last 5-10 years.  I helped out in my son's 6th grade Life Skills (aka Home Ec) class, hot gluing yarn hair on "pot-bellied" dolls, and then I had a short appointment.  That was followed by a trip to Target to buy shorts and hair oil for my daughter (the diving practice is wreaking havoc on her long locks) and I finished up with a stop at Costco for gas and a few food items.  Really, it was *not* an exceptional day but it did leave me feeling exceptionally productive.

You see, it's all relative.  I spent a good portion of the last two weeks sitting in a cramped little room doing nothing but waiting for my next client and I hated every second of it.  All I could do was think of all the other things I could be doing with that time, especially considering I wasn't even getting paid to sit there and do nothing.  Now, it is so nice to be able to use my time doing things that need to be done, even if it is nothing more than running errands.

I have realized how precious my time really is.  I am going to take advantage of it, especially knowing that I will have less of it again in a few weeks once I get my practice going.  I will make the most of my free time over the next couple of weeks -- and enjoy every minute of it.

And now I have to go -- I have another busy day planned today!

1 comment:

  1. smiles...it def is about perspective you know...and feeling productive does make all the difference in the world...and our time is precious...
