Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Fret & Worry

I've been having such a good week and although the weather is still unseasonably warm and lovely, my mood has not remained quite so positive.

I really wish I could stay in that good place for more than a day or two.

At least, I haven't sunk very low.  Today I was mostly brought down by worry and fear.  It's funny how an unpredictable combination of seeing someone here, talking to someone else there and the myriad other little happenstances of a day can set my mind to turning and churning in a most troublesome way.

By now (late at night) I think my brain has tired itself out and although my thoughts have really gotten me no further ahead, I have thought enough for one day.  The unfortunate result is that my eyes are red and puffy and itch like hell from all the stress I've inflicted upon myself.

Someday, dammit, my life will be simple and happy and I will have no reason to fret like this.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain. I excel in the fretting and worrying department.

    Erick (Bubba) tagged me in a little game, and i found it a pleasant diversion. So I'm sharing the wealth - I've now tagged you! Details are HERE.
