Monday, 17 January 2011

Full Circle

I saw this status update on Facebook the other day: "I am not going to be the person I am expected to be anymore. I am going to be the person I am meant to be."  It was generated by Status Shuffle so it's not that the person I stole it from was being creative or reflective in any way.  Nonetheless, I can't stop thinking about it.

Last weekend, as you know, I took a Reiki class, which I loved and which reinforced (yet again) that the path I've chosen is the right one.  The Reiki class and the Spirit Encounter also got me thinking about the old Me.  In highschool I was good friends with a girl whose mother was into what was then called "New Age" stuff.  This friend taught me a lot about crystals, auras, spirits, etc.  Not so much about energy work, but maybe that would have come, too.  We used to go downtown and hang out in the "Occult Book Shop".  It was awesome.  Sadly, my friendship with this girl came to a fairly disasterous end and so did my connection to the only people I knew who knew anything about any of this stuff.  Soon, university and Life followed and I followed one adventure after another. 

This week I've been thinking that it almost feels as if I've come full circle -- that I'm picking up where I left off 22 years ago.  I'm trying to be positive and not think that I've wasted the last 22 years.  (Imagine where I'd be and what I'd know had I not had such a long hiatus!)  But I remind myself of all the other life experiences I've had and how much I have learned from them.  I am just so glad I've been able to land in the right place; that despite trying to do what was expected of me, or what I thought was expected of me (go to school, get a "good" job), I have still managed to end up doing what I was meant to do. 

I guess that hiatus was there to teach me the difference.  And now that I know, I, too, can say that "I am not going to be the person I am expected to be anymore. I am going to be the person I am meant to be."

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