D-day. Deadline day. The last day our immigration attorney can start with green card applications and allow us to stay in the country uninterrupted. Given the fact that my husband still doesn't have a local work contract in place, it looks like we've missed the deadline. At this point I have no idea what that means for us and my head is swimming with multiple scenarios. I don't know if this means we've lost all hope of ever getting green cards or if it just means it won't run as smoothly. I don't know if it means that we'll have to leave the country in 3 months. I don't know if leaving the country then will be temporary or permanent. I don't know anything.
I do know that I'm fairly pissed at my husband's company for dragging the whole local contract thing out. They have known for the last year what's going on and certainly for the last six months they've known that there is a critical time component. I guess they're assuming he's desperate and will take whatever crap offer they give him in order to stay here. But he's not that desperate and he's not going to sell himself short. He has saved the company millions of dollars in operating costs over the past few years and he is in a position now to save them even more yet they want to quibble over his very reasonable - and deserved - salary requests. The whole thing is just ridiculous.
And because of that, they are very likely going to uproot an entire family and squash all my hopes and dreams.
At this point I might even be able to live with that if I just knew for certain what to plan for. It's the uncertainty that's killing me right now. When we told a friend the other day what was going on, she wondered how we do it. Well, I don't. I really am not doing it. I'm pretending that I can handle it and I go through each day pretending that things are normal. But they're not normal and I really don't know how to deal with it other than cry. Which doesn't really help but there's not much else I can do.
I got a prescription for antidepressents the other day. I know I said in a previous post that I wasn't going to. I'm still not pleased about going this route, but as I said, something had to change. I'm hoping they'll kick in soon and help me cope with all of this. But maybe that's expecting too much of one little pill.
What I'm really hoping for is a few answers and some certainty about my future, like whether we'll have to leave the country in a few months. That's not too much to ask, is it?
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